“I just purchased my 10th Yoda mask.” – Elizabeth

You’ve probably seen her, a woman wearing a Yoda mask, standing on a street corner. Here’s her story.

A resident of Sonoma County since 1973, Elizabeth is the mother of four sons–the oldest is 47. Born in 1948, her 67 years have been filled with struggle and joy. Her life includes trauma from physical injuries to her back and brain and a struggle with addiction. Today she is proud to report she’s been sober for 37 years. With alcohol addiction behind her, she admits she indulges in soda too much and may need to take a break.

As a young woman, Elizabeth spent decades working as a preschool teacher where she discovered a love for singing and being joyful. Now she channels that joy by following the teachings of Mahatma Gandhi. Elizabeth refers to herself as a “hands-on healer” and says she’s healed herself and others. Strangers have called her an intergalactic demonstrator because you can find her wearing a Yoda mask on a Santa Rosa street corner with a variety of hand lettered signs. With gentle eyes (Yoda mask off), she is quick to smile and offer a hug.

Do you know a human of Sonoma County we should feature? Comment below or send your suggestions to SonomaHumans@gmail.com. 

Elizabeth holds sign

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